
June 11


Travelnista - The most Hits tourist attractions

Travelnista - Malioboro is the name of a street in Yogyakarta. Malioboro Street is very famous and has become one of the tourist attractions in Yogyakarta that must be visited, even to take pictures in Malioboro Street marker, we often have to queue up first. The name Malioboro Street comes from Sanskrit and has the meaning of a bouquet of flowers. What makes Malioboro Street so famous? Malioboro Street offers an endless shopping and culinary experience.

https://www.travelnista.net - During the day, along Malioboro Street you will find lots of sellers of clothes, bags, sandals, key chains, handicrafts, batik, accessories, and other unique items that can be bought at low prices. Whereas at night, you will find a lot of sellers of Yogyakarta traditional food along Malioboro Street. The thing that I like the most on Jalan Malioboro is that there are some people who dress uniquely, for example dressing like soldiers, pocong, zombies, and others. We can take pictures with them at voluntary costs.